Johns Manville EPDM
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Johns Manville
Quality Roofing Products
Founded in 1858
Over 150 Years of providing the highest quality roofing solutions on the market.
Complete Roof Systems
Ask about complete protection systems with underlayment to ventilation accessories.

In 1858, 21-year-old Henry Ward Johns “set up shop” in the basement of his New York City tenement building. Using his wife’s new clothes wringer and a household tea kettle, he applied hot tar to cloth and created the company’s first roofing shingles. By 1868, he had moved operations out of the basement and was on his way to success with the award of his first patent for an asbestos product – the foundation for Johns Manville’s business for the next 100 years.
JM survived and even thrived through difficult times including the American Civil War, two world wars, the great depression and most significantly, the advent and demise of the “miracle mineral” – asbestos. The lessons learned from the asbestos odyssey helped foster the commitment to health and safety that we continue to live by today.
In 2001, JM became a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., which gave us a strong financial foundation and renewed our commitment to providing innovative solutions for our customers’ needs.